Orthopedic Shoes / Braces

Custom made Orthopedic Shoes / Lower Limb Braces


Custom made orthopedic shoes

are often the only way to achieve mobility for patients with severe foot deformities. They truly are a lifeline for many.

These shoes are designed to substitute for lost functions in a foot, i.e. example after amputations. These shoes may become essential, if someone has severe diabetic feet,  arthritis, polio, accidents or birth defects…

Erhard’s Orthopedics Ltd. is one of the few places in Canada to manufacture custom made Orthopedic Shoes, but only to people who really need them.

Erhard Marenbach is a German trained ”  Orthopedic Shoemaker   awarded with a “Meisterbrief”. So his training is top of the line. Especially when making orthopedic shoes  you will benefit greatly of Erhard’s many years of experience.

Erhard makes the foot lasts from scratch. ( the “form” to make the shoes ) Lasts are carved out of a piece of wood which is quite an art as you have to combine lots of medical knowledge and years of experience in how to create shoes which work best for the patient.

The uppers are custom designed, so is every other part of the orthopedic shoes.  This explains why orthopedic shoes are very labour intensive and the costs can easily ad up to $ 2000.- or more.


Another great solution for some patients are custom made orthopedic inserts or braces. These are placed into wider shoes of shelf.  These will be a little cheaper than custom made orthopedic shoes, but offer more versatility as you can place them in different shoes.

Depending of the patients needs custom made carbon fibre braces maybe another option to help a person getting around easier. These braces are light weight and fit in even more shoes.

Erhard will be the one to determine which solution may be your best option for your specific medical needs. Custom made lasts are made by Erhard on the premisses.

We are definitely open to confer with your physician.

Please book your appointment for a consultation to discuss your options and let us know that this is an appointment for custom made shoes or braces. You may expect up to a few month for the work to be completed.